In 2011, the CNEM entrusted the Centre National de la Danse's media library (National Centre for Dance – Pantin, Paris region) with its archives. They are available for on-site consultation on demand.
We are working on making these documents available online gradually.
The documents with an asterisk (*) are available for download.
Our resources, presented here in 4 categories:
RESSOURCES ABOUT KINETOGRAPHY LABAN (technical papers and other documents)
EDUCATIONAL SCORES (exercises, school steps and sequences)
* La Relève de Jacqueline Challet-Haas, 2021
By Noëlle SIMONET, in collaboration with Raphaël COTTIN et Vincent LENFANT (34 pages – French version), paper about Noëlle Simonet's teaching at the Conservatoire of Paris after Jacqueline Challet-Haas, from the late '90s to 2021, presented at the CNEM general meeting on 17th November 2021 via video conference from Paris, France. Download.
* Les Mouvements du haut du corps (Upper Body Movements), 2021
by Raphaël COTTIN, in collaboration with Noëlle SIMONET (20 pages – French version), technical paper presented at the Rencontres du CNEM on 13th November 2021 at the Centre National de la Danse – Pantin, France. Download.
* Principales règles et pratiques KIN différentes des règles et pratiques LAB, 1999 / révisions 2020
by Jacqueline CHALLET-HAAS (36 pages – French version), technical paper presented in English at the 21st ICKL Conference in July 1999 at the Institut del Teatre - Diputació de Barcelona, Spain. Download.
* Principal KIN usages and rules, differing from LAB usages and rules, 1999 / revised in 2020
by Jacqueline CHALLET-HAAS (36 pages - English version), technical paper presented during the 21st ICKL Conference in July 1999
at Institut del Teatre - Diputació de Barcelona, Spain.​ Download.

* Symbols for graphics softwares
Graphics by Raphaël COTTIN to use in a vector graphics software (Adobe Illustrator® or the free software Inkscape for instance).
Contact us for any problem! UPDATED ON JANUARY 2023.
All the symbols on one page, .ai format. Download.
All the symbols on one page, .pdf format. Download.
Libraries to include in your tree with the Illustrator® library files:
Space measurement signs: Download.
Body signs: Download the simple library and the detailed library.
Area signs: Download.
Other various signs (pins, preliminary signs, dynamic signs, etc.): Download.
Empty staff and outside-of-the-artboard stretchable signs: Download in vertical format or in horizontal format​.
* Répertoire des pas de la danse classique, 1987
(59 pages), addition to Terminologie de la Danse Classique, J. Challet-Haas, Amphora, Paris 1987.​​ Download.
Exercices au sol, 1983
extract from La danse, les principes de son enseignement aux enfants, by J. Challet-Haas, Amphora, Paris 1983.
Enchaînements de cours d’Atty Chadinoff, 1976
(15 pages)
Exercices de Jazz de Walter Nicks, 1973
(8 pages)
* Sélection d’Exercices de barre de Boris Trailine, 1966
(10 pages, 7 pages of kinetograms) Download.
Enchaînements au sol d’Atty Chadinoff, 1964
(25 pages)
Choreography by Albert Aveline / Cléopâtre variation; "Miroir" variation; Phryné variation
* La Belle au Bois Dormant
Choreography by Marius Petipa / L'Oiseau Bleu female variation. Download.
* Giselle
Choreography after Coralli restaged by Gilbert Canova / Giselle variation, Act I. Download ; Les Amies de Giselle, Act I. Download.
* Les Sylphides
Choreography by Michel Fokine / La Valse. Download.
Dances from various regions of France; European dances
Folklore 1 – Alsace, Lorraine, Berry, Poitou
(49 pages, with music notation)
* Danse du marais nord vendéen : le quadrille de Bouin
(12 pages, 10 pages of kinetograms) Download.